I easily chant my prescribed number of rounds with focus and attention. When I chant, I chant. I get to chant, I want to chant, and I love to chant. I treat the maha-mantra as Radha and Krsna, fully present in sound. I receive and feel Krsna’s presence, mercy and love in His holy names. I chant in full awareness that the holy name is my greatest treasure. I chant to please Radha and Krsna, not to gain anything material. I am out of my mind and in my heart, fully present to the holy names as I chant my rounds. I fully honour my sacred relationship with the holy names during japa. I chant to be accepted by Krsna, and to repair my broken relationship with Him. I chant from my heart, feelingly praying to come closer to Krsna. I meditate on the meaning of the names as I chant. I turn off my world and turn on Krsna’s world when I chant my rounds. I chant with no other motive than to render pure devotional service. My beads are my connection with Krsna and my ticket back to Godhead. I am to...