900,000 cows -108 special - 8 padma gandha Day of Diwali churning butter - singing - rod dhad dhad like mrdanga - bangles - kartal Krsna woke up - no clothes - only jewelry Why milk boiled over at that point? Thinking what is the point of my existence Butter foot prints - Krsna climbed on mortar - sitting with back with his friends, the monkeys(cowherd boys still sleeping) - Mother Yasoda came from behind, monkeys ran away Shark shaped earrings - long earrings of Krsna kiss his beautiful rosy cheeks Krsna running in courtyard, never seen Mother Yasoda so angry - knocking the house of other gopis asking to save Him. Flowers on Sri Yasoda Devi's hair - lotus feet of the exalted devotee Yasoda Mata, dont want to take part in this conspiracy of binding Krsna, lighten the burden of Mother Yasoda so that she can catch Krsna